Monday, March 26, 2012

Sharing Time.

Everyday we are faced with having to make choices.  Prioritizing responsibilities and time are a part of this and can be a challenge.  When I am making my list for the day I like go back over it and check my motives behind the tasks I want to accomplish.  Yes, I am a list person!  It helps to hold myself accountable and helps to maximize efficiency if there is a time crunch.  As an introvert and only child I, more often than not, have the tendency to schedule my desired tasks to be completed above other things that are more important.  I plan such an array of tasks for the day that I don't always see opportunities that Christ has set before me.  This is not to say that lists are not important, but the tasks I've listed are not always time sensitive or supremely necessary to set as priority.   Discernment is key for me when I'm up against my to-do's and sharing my time.  Here are some questions I usually ask myself (of course, in list form):

-Is it necessary for the whole list to be completed today!?
-Does it allow for opportunities to help others, if a need arises during the day?
-Am I trying to distract myself from dealing with/thinking about something?
-Am I using this list as an excuse not to spend time with others, including God?
-Even though I may have many things "to do" is this really the best choice for the time the Lord has given me today?
-Is there something that needs my time and/or attention more than my list today?
-Does my life reflect Christ regardless of the tasks I feel I need to finish?

Depending on how I respond to these very important questions I usually have to pray, re-prioritize, and shift my perspective to be less self focused!  I am thankful during these times that God shows His forgiveness and faithfulness in that while I can sometimes be selfish with my time He still loves me, forgives me, and guides me even in the small day to day tasks.  In the end it's not really "my" time, it's God's!  He has given me time so that I might live for, reflect, serve, and glorify Him.  I strive to make sure my relationship with Christ is never just a checklist.  I love spending time with Him, learning from His word, and just resting in His presence.  Something I press toward each day is to purposefully make my life count for Christ in the choices I make.  Of course, not from my own will or strength, but acknowledging that all comes from Him.  He gave me life and continues to give me life each day so that I can make Him known.  Am I stewarding His time well?  Trusting the Lord with my time, talents, and treasures is something He is continually working on in me.  By sacrificing "selfish" time I have a front row seat to God's work in the lives of those around me and also in my own life.  Full submission to Him with my time brings such a sense of peace and joy, even if it is sacrificing something as small as time between tasks.  Again this is not to say that lists aren't important and that proper down time isn't needed.  I'm simply sharing how I go about prioritizing time, tasks, and responsibilities by letting God lead in something as small as my to-do lists.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


It is almost officially spring time!  I'm definitely ready.  I have decided to start on some traditional spring cleaning and some new craft projects.  As a woman I look around my bedroom and still see remnants of my college dorm days.  Everything is storage sized and I still have my hodgepodge sheets and quilts that don't quite fit my bed.  I recently rearranged my room, brought in a new bed, and reused some old shelves I had to make a new headboard.  However, I am interested in a new bedspread, pillowcases, and adding some delicate soft touches to make it feel more like spring in my humble abode than a college dorm room!  The first victim on my list for some much needed organization is my beastly closet!  I have a system in place, but I'd like something a little more...streamlined?  Yes, that's the word I'm looking for.  The organization will just take time while the makeover may take some extra cash that I just don't have.  I've recently joined Pinterest to help come up with some delicate sophisticated designs in addition to my own ideas.  I am already excited just writing about it!  I am challenging myself to makeover my room with less than $100!  So I'll have to use materials I already own and do lots of scouting at resale and craft shops.  I'll be sure to post progress photos along the way :)  Yay fun!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Blog Use

I can't decide what to use my little blog spot for. My thoughts, crafts, photography, art, interests, or faith. Maybe I can just fit in a little bit of everything. I am deciding on a style and format for this blog. I have experimented around a little, but I'm still not learned on all the designs and styles. I feel like I may not be a great candidate for blogging. I tried journaling when I was a young girl and I've picked it back up again. After a few months I always seemed to fall away from the routine. However, I was pretty extreme about the expectations of myself during the journaling process. I thought I was supposed to journal EVERY day. demanding. It was when a close girlfriend of mine explained that it was more of a free flow idea, rather than an everyday demanding task, that I realized I could let go of that expectation for myself. I guess I only had to go on what I'd seen, which was mostly from movies, which was to journal nearly everyday. I'm not using the blog as a journal, but I plan on carrying over the same principle. That way I'll blog when I have something of interest that I'd like to share. I know, I know...this is a pretty elementary concept that when saying it out loud or typing it brings on a "duh!" moment. However, you'll have to forgive my naivety on the topics of blogging, content, and frequency.